Excel Revise in a Month Selective Schools and Scholarship Tests Years 5-6

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About This Book


Need a program that helps you organise your child’s study time? Need an easy-to-use program that helps motivate your child to revise for tests? Then look no further ... we have the ideal study guide for your child!

Excel Revise in a Month guides take the hard work out of studying. Maximise your child’s results in the shortest time possible. Excel makes it easy for your child.

Excel Revise in a Month Years 5–6 Selective Schools and Scholarship Tests:

  • Includes an introduction to the NSW Selective High School Placement Test and the ACER Scholarship Tests (Secondary Level 1)
  • Covers the essential areas of these tests: Reading, Thinking Skills, Mathematical Reasoning and Writing
  • Provides a balanced four-day-a-week program that helps you direct your child to exactly what to revise each day
  • Provides a variety of exercises, real test practice and sample Selective Schools Test papers
  • Includes fully explained answers to all questions.

  • Excel Revise in a Month Years 5–6 Selective Schools and Scholarship Tests will help your child revise for success with the following features:

  • Key Points—provide a detailed summary of each topic, as well as helpful hints and tip
  • Sample—supplies model questions and responses to all question type
  • Practice Tasks—develop the necessary skills to answer questions correctly
  • Real Test—allows your child to practise questions like those in the real test
  • Sample Test Papers—allow your child to become familiar with the format of the papers in the Selective Schools Tests
  • Suggested Time—helps prepare your child to answer questions under the time constraints of the NSW Selective High School Placement Test and the ACER Scholarship Tests
  • Easy-to-use presentation.

    Product Details

    SKU: 9781741256994
    Dimensions: 275mm x 210mm
    ISBN: 9781741256994
    Author(s): Allyn Jones
    Publication Edition Date: April 2022
    TYPE: Assessment & Test Books
    SUBJECT: English
    BRAND: Excel
    SUB BRAND: Excel Revise in a Month
    Author(s): Kristine Brown
    Author(s): Lyn Baker
    SUBJECT: Mathematics
    Format: Paperback
    Author(s): Sharon & Tanya Dalgleish

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